Are You Wrecking Your Heart?

Heart diseases have become one of the leading causes of deaths across the world. According to Dr. Samir Kubba – Max Healthcare, Indians are more prone to heart disease and that too at a younger age. They develop heart disease at least 10 years earlier than the western counterparts and that too of a more complex nature.

Ironically, the number of cases getting registered for heart attack treatment is shooting up each passing day and is becoming increasingly common in even those who have a simple and healthy lifestyle. So, what are the underlying causes that this disease is affecting millions annually? What are people actually doing that may be wrecking their heart?

Stress from Overwork

If you are working for more than 10 hours a day, it’s time to shut that laptop down as you have a 60% higher chance of developing a heart disease like angina or myocardial infarction. Furthermore, stress on the job increases the chances of heart attack that may result in a lifetime of rounds to the cardiologist’s clinic. Stressing over at work and contributing more than the required hours are wrecking your heart slowly, so make a habit of leaving work on time to give your mind and heart the rest they require.

Smoking to Cope Stress

If you have a habit of smoking, especially when you are stressed, you really to need to know what smoking does to the heart. It reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart and damages the walls of the vessels. Furthermore, smoking also increases the stiffness of the vessels and makes it difficult for them to contract and expand normally. These changes in the functioning increase the risk of a heart attack, peripheral arterial disease, angina and stroke. In addition, the chemicals in tobacco smoke also increase the risk of atherosclerosis – accumulation of plaque in the arteries. The buildup restricts the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart and other organs; thus, increasing the chances of coronary heart disease.

Blockage in the coronary arteries is an alarming condition that weakens the heart and can lead to a heart attack. High cholesterol, blood pressure, alcohol abuse and smoking contribute significantly to blockage in the coronary arteries which can further develop into a heart disease.

Consuming Heavily Processed Food

While it’s easy to pick up a burger and a can of cola on your way to work, the preservatives, additives and high sodium load are not easy on the heart. The extra water that gets stored in the body due to high sodium intake raises the blood pressure that may lead to causing a problem to the heart. Fresh foods have fewer calories and provide much better nutrients to the body. He further adds that a handful of healthy nuts early in the morning satisfy hunger and help in better functioning of the heart.

You Have a Sweet Tooth

You might not know this, but sugar is one of those potent substances that can injure the wall of blood vessels by causing irritation. That is the reason why people with glucose intolerance and diabetes are at a higher risk of developing a heart disease. Heavy consumption of sugar lowers the good cholesterol level and spikes triglycerides – the fat that raises the risk of heart disease.

Anger is Your worst enemy

Anger is a normal emotion, but the way you handle it can make all the difference. Ordinary anger is not an issue, but a high level of it is. Anger fires up the heart and ramps up the flight or fight response. During this rush of emotions, adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) speed up your breathing and heart rate. The blood vessels tighten with the sudden burst of energy and the blood pressure soars. If you frequently get angry, it can cause wear and tear to the artery walls, leading to weakening of the heart.

You Are Obese, but You Are Not Trying to Lose Weight

Discussing obesity is important when it comes to heart problems. Obesity plays a strong role in how much work the heart has to do. According to a study, belly fat is directly linked to the heart, and it increases the risk factor of developing a heart disease. Not only heart, but belly fat also increases the risk of sleep apnea, high blood pressure, colorectal cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Ignoring Common Viral Infections

Heart attack can also be triggered by acute respiratory infections. Few studies have suggested an association between influenza and acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Certain viral infections have been also been  linked to myocarditis. In this condition, the virus causes inflammation in the heart. This can damage or weaken the heart. Myocarditis has flu-like symptoms (heart palpitations, fever and fatigue) but is actually because of an inflamed heart muscle. If not treated on time, it may be fatal.

Apart from the above factors, others that contribute to making the heart weak include lack of quality sleep, ignoring stress, drinking excessively sugary beverages and reduced spinal flexibility. In addition, air pollution also plays a big role besides conventional risk factors.