Bring Snoring To An End With A Night Laser


Snoring is very a common appearance, mostly in man but also in women. It can be quite frustrating for people who are sleeping under the same roof with the person who has this condition. It causes sleep deprivation, low energy, loss of focus, even low libido.

Beside social consequences of snoring, there can be more important, health issues. Some research showed that snoring interferes with the blood flow that goes through the carotid artery, causing a decrease in oxygen levels into the brain. That can lead to the risk of having a stroke.

One more important thing to single out is sleep apnea. It’s a condition where person stops breathing several times during the sleep. At you can see what can you do about it and how to recognize sleep apnea or you can do your own research.

There are many solutions for peaceful sleep

Causes of snoring

The most common cause of snoring is the partly occluded airway. Some of the things that cause snoring are not connected to the anatomy of your throat, so you can undertake some actions to get rid of the snoring. What are those causes?

  • Fat tissue around the neck, due to overweight state
  • Limpness of the soft tissue in the throat due to aging
  • Too relaxed muscles in the throat due to alcohol and drugs
  • Moving of the tongue too backward to the oral cavity while laying on one’s back

The best anti-snoring treatment

Today, as the cosmetics industry progress with new techniques, snoring can be treated in a non-surgical way. The treatment is called NightLase and it’s done for a short time with a specialized laser. Anesthesia is not needed, and for the complete treatment it’s required three to four procedures.

During the procedure, the doctor is treating your soft tissue in the throat, by gently heating it with a laser. There is no pain or scarring, only light, something like a flashlight, is attendance. Feeling, that you can notice, is feeling of heat in the area where laser is pointed to. This sensation of heating is crucial because it means that laser light is tightening and toning the tissue, allowing patients to breathe easier.

Laser snoring treatment is until now, one of the best solutions to cut the snoring. Before, surgeons were trying to manage different techniques, which were very difficult, painful, expensive, with little or none results. At night laser Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne you can check all the benefits for laser treatment, and see more information about this treatment or if you’re not in the area you can just visit your trusted clinic near you.

NightLase gives the best results

NightLase treatment has been used for many years, and the results were excellent. A 15-month study showed that 95.2% of clients had a decrease in snoring, while for 74% snoring stops. 57% said that they had high success in reducing their snoring.


You don’t have to be tired anymore, and also your family members. With this new procedure, start to sleep more calmly and silently. Restore your energy levels and be more prepared for the day.