2 Things You’d Never Want To See Again: Your Ex and Cockroach Infestation

2 Things You’d Never Want To See Again: Your Ex and Infestation

It’s difficult but getting your heart broken is nothing compared to getting your house infested with cockroaches. It’s a nightmare to be running into your ex unexpectedly however finding these unwelcome pests scurrying around your space can give you a whole new level of stress. But do not fret because learning how to get rid of cockroaches is an easier and faster process that you can do with these tricks:

Keep things clean

Cockroach control starts with cleanliness. Make it a habit to regularly wipe down and disinfect surfaces with clean water, soap and bleach (not with your tears!) It would also help if you often vacuum floors to get rid of food crumbles that you accidentally leave on the floor. One of the best things you can do is to wash the dishes as soon as you finish eating to prevent these pests from lingering in your home. Maintaining the cleanliness of your home can be tasking especially if you’re a busy person but think of it as an act of self-love. Don’t deprive yourself of the luxury of caring for your well-being – so pick up your tools and clean!

Remember: Out of sight, out of mind!

Like deleting your ex’s number, removing anything that attracts cockroaches is key. The more clutter you hoard, the more it attracts pests so it’s best to throw away everything that has little to no value. We know it can relieve a lot of stress but try to prevent yourself from buying impulsively because the next thing you know, there will be a lot of clothes, stationery, shoes and other items in your house that you never use. There’s nothing wrong with being sentimental with such items but cockroaches thrive in dark, crowded spaces like your storage boxes or tight closets where they can easily hide. Properly disposing of unnecessary items and organising your things can reduce the risk of attracting cockroaches, creating a cleaner and more hygienic environment.

Invest in pest control

Once you’ve cleaned up, it wouldn’t hurt to take it a step further and set up gel baits or insect growth regulators or ask for help by contacting cockroach and pest control. Did you know that professional pest control services can easily search your home and measure the extent of the infestation? Their tools are much more potent and long lasting than over-the-counter products that you can easily get from the store. One session can save you a lot of time! Not to mention, cockroach control experts also offer advice on how you can permanently prevent infestations by identifying and addressing potential entry points and vulnerabilities in your home. Whenever things get tough, additional support is needed to effectively eliminate cockroaches just like asking a friend for help whenever you find yourself lonely because of your ex. Don’t forget that if the infestation is worse than a bad breakup, calling in professional pest control is a must.

It takes a lot of effort to get rid of cockroach infestations but it’s totally worth it once you’ve succeeded – just like when you succeed in cutting your ex off completely. Always keep your space clean, get rid of unnecessary things and try your best to prevent cockroach infestations, and soon those pesky pests will be just a distant memory—just like your ex!

If you’re having problems with cockroaches or other pests, visit Rentokil and let us do the job of ensuring cockroaches, rats or ants don’t get your way of living your best life at the comfort of your home!