Excessive earwax needs the right treatment


Earwax in the bodily discharge in smaller amount is the best protection against the micro-organism and insects from getting inside our ear. It is the natural cleanser as it gets out of the ear canal outward. It gathers the dead skin cells, hair and dirt along with it when it gets out of the ear canal. Earwax has antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. It helps in lubricating the ears and avoids the itchy and uncomfortable feeling inside our ears.

But excessive earwax in the ear is not a good thing. An ear canal, when plugged with earwax, will result in earaches, infections and other issues. When the ear wax gets lodged in a certain way, it causes the stimulation of the vagus nerve that supplies the outer ear to cough. And more often it is found that the excess earwax will result in the hearing loss.

But it is a no-no to remove the earwax at home using the ear swab, bobby pins or any similar object. It causes the earwax to be pushed inside toward the inner part of the ear instead of removing it.

Earwax picks up the debris of dead skin and dirt from the ear canal. The glandular secretion changes the consistency and makes wax difficult to travel through the ear canal. It tends to sit in the ear canal for a longer time, it gets hardened and dry, causing the ear blockage. Eczema, the condition where a lot of dry flaking skin is produced can result in hared earwax.

Earwax removal tips

Getting medical assistance is the best solution for the removal of the earwax.

Soaking a cotton ball in plain water, a saline solution or hydrogen peroxide and dripping a few drops into the ear with the head titled is one of the methods you may try at home. Keep the head tilted for a minute to allow the gravity to pull the fluid down through the wax and then tilt another way to get the fluid and wax drained out. Assure that the water does not get into the middle part of the ear, as it would cause a serious infection of the fear and pain.

Use a bulb syringe to swish out the ear is also found to be a great removal method. A few squirts of water using the bulb syringe helps in removing the clogged wax. But a person with damaged eardrum should never use the bulb syringe. 

But always remember that the faulty earwax removal or blockage could result in damaging the eardrum. It is often the result of the failed removal attempts that we try at home. 

A clinician, who is expert and have the right knowledge, will be able to help you with effective earwax removal. With the better view and tools such as slender, spoon-like curettes that fit into the narrow space of the ear canal is used by the clinician for mechanically removing the earwax. Getting the help of Ear Wax Removal Services is always advice than any home remedies.