Why You Need A Bicycle Accident Attorney

You might be in a serious accident. Cuts, bruises, broken bones, and head injuries are common in bike accidents. Sometimes, the injuries are severe enough to require hospitalization or even surgery. If this happens to you and it’s not your fault, then you’ll want a good attorney on your side who can help get the compensation that you deserve for medical bills and lost wages.

Walk You Through the Legal Structure of a Case

If you’ve never been in a courtroom, it can be overwhelming if you go to trial after an accident. You’d need an expert at court matters to help you walk through the whole process, as you get justice for your accident. A lawyer will help you conquer the platform and help you get the best terms in the process.

The bicycle accident attorney can also help you get familiar with the legal terms and requirements. Always hire a lawyer from a reputable firm to help you get used to the process.

Help You Get Maximum Compensation From the Insurer 

Most people who suffer injuries in a bicycle accident have their medical expenses paid by their health insurance policy. Unfortunately, no matter how good your health insurance is, there’s a good chance that it won’t cover every medical expense related to your accident.

That’s because health insurance policies are designed to pay for routine medical treatment as well as expenses associated with accidents or injuries caused by an automobile accident. The problem is that many bicycle accidents occur when someone else is at fault (like when another driver makes a left turn in front of you) and they don’t have car insurance or just enough liability coverage to cover all of your costs.

In these cases, it can be difficult—if not impossible—to get reimbursed for all of the medical bills you incur from your injury.

Even if you receive payments from your own insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurance company after an accident, you could still be underpaid. Insurance companies make money by not paying out on claims. They will do everything they can to minimize the amount of money you receive for an injury. The problem is that many people don’t realize this until after it’s too late — after they’ve already signed their name on the dotted line and accepted an undervalued settlement offer because they thought they needed the cash immediately.


There are many reasons why people don’t want to take responsibility for their actions after an accident. They may not know the legal steps that need to be taken in order to protect themselves, or they might be hesitant about taking action because they don’t want their insurance rates to go up. Additionally, it’s not always easy to prove liability in courtrooms and settlement negotiations between two lawyers with different agendas (one representing either side).

If you find yourself in such an accident, it’s important that you hire a competent bicycle accident attorney to represent you in your lawsuit.