7 Steps To Editing Your Home For Winter

Follow these handy 7 steps to edit your home for winter and enjoy a simpler, clutter-free space

Winter is the ideal time to declutter and clear space inside your home. You’ll be spending a lot more time inside, so it makes sense to create space and room to enjoy family time and cosy memory making. 

To help you cultivate the perfect winter home environment, it’s a great idea to edit your home. This means, decluttering, moving things around and generally editing everything you own to ensure you’re only left with items you really need or want. 

To help you edit your home for winter, try following these 7 simple steps:

  1. Set Aside The Time

It is a great idea to set aside the time to do this task so that you know when you plan to do it. It’s an easy activity to put aside for other seemingly more important jobs. By setting aside the time to do it, you’ll ensure you’re going to get it done at some point, paving the way for a beautifully decluttered home in winter. 

  1. Gear-Up

It is a really good idea to gear-up and have everything you need to edit your home when you plan to get the task done. Breaks in the task can result in easy distractions or other things taking your attention. By starting with boxes, bags and anything else you need you can focus on the task at hand. 

  1. Where Will It Go?

Before you start selecting items to edit, it is a good idea to plan what will happen to the items you choose to remove. Will they go into your cheap self storage unit for future use? Will they go to charity? Will you sell them? Having a location for the items you edit is a really good way to make the process cleaner and easier overall. 

  1. Set The Mood

Before you begin your edit, try to set the mood. What that means is setting the mood for your own productivity. Perhaps you could put some music on? Maybe you need to have your mornings cleaning done before you start? Set the mood for yourself, in a way that means you’re most likely to get the job done. 

  1. It’s Time To Edit!

Now that it is time to edit, you can go ahead and transform your home. You’ll want to literally assess every single item in your target room to think about whether to keep it or not. Ask yourself these questions when deciding what to keep:

  • Do I need it?
  • Does it bring me joy?
  • Do I really want it?
  • Could it be replaced by something more useful?
  • Do I need it this season?


Some items you may choose to replace, some you might sell, some you might store until the warmer months and others may actually be rubbish that needs throwing away. Place your items in the appropriate bags and boxes, and then take them out of the room to go to their different locations. Do make sure that the items leave your home and go to charity, cheap self storage from storing.com, or to their new homes. It can be easy to clutter up other areas for the sake of clearing out one room, which can then cause a problem elsewhere. 

  1. Rearrange The Room

With the items you have edited now gone, it is time to rearrange the room. Give it a good clean and experiment with the furniture in different layouts. 

  1. Touch Up

Now is a great time to touch up that room and beautify it for winter. That could mean a lick of paint, repairing any broken sections, or even replacing some furniture. If you are adding anything to the room think really carefully about it. You’ve just spent all that time editing the room, so it is important not to just fill it up again without due care. 

Now you have edited a room successfully, you’re ready to enjoy that space for winter. Moving forward, do try to focus on functionality and not allowing clutter to build up again. By considering each and every item you bring into your space, and how you use the space, you’ll avoid having to have big editing sessions in future. For now though, enjoy your clutter-free, clear home for the coming winter months, you’ve earnt a sit down and a cup of tea!