The effects of high cholesterol on men’s sexual function

Cholesterol is an important component of the structure of cells that performs a number of important functions. The body produces exactly as much cholesterol as necessary for its normal work. Cholesterol also enters the body with food.

The normal level of cholesterol is the key to the healthy and proper structure of the cells. Cholesterol is not harmful in small quantities because it is present in almost all products. In case of excessive use of products rich in cholesterol, the damage to the body is caused. As a result, blood flow becomes difficult, and the vessels become vulnerable, which prevents blood from entering all organs properly.

Violation of blood circulation can cause the following:

Heart attack
Ischemic heart disease
A detrimental effect on the potency
An increased level of cholesterol mostly affects men over 35 years old, leading to various sexual problems. To avoid any problems, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cholesterol level and follow a healthy diet. You can also contact urologist in Queens New York for more help.

Cholesterol and potency

Not only potency affects the physical health of a man but also an emotional state. Numerous studies have shown that a high cholesterol level negatively affects potency and can lead to an erectile dysfunction.

Sex hormones are produced with the participation of cholesterol, which should mean that the more cholesterol, the better the potency. But, there is a negative effect of high cholesterol on potency.

Erection occurs when blood actively flows to the penis. The more blood, the stronger the erection. However, if a man suffers from high cholesterol, the vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques and blood does not come in the proper amount. Because of this, the potency decreases, leading to sexual problems in men. Numerous studies prove that high cholesterol inevitably leads to impotence.

As a result, all arteries suffer, but smaller ones are affected the most. The penile artery has a small diameter, so it can get clogged even with a small plaque. In this case, no additional stimulation has a positive effect.

Lowering cholesterol and improving potency

Only a specialist can determine the cause of a bad potency. Doctors identify three ways to restore the potency and adjust the cholesterol level.

The correction of the way of life. You should begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, by exercising more, controlling cholesterol, and sleeping enough. This also includes a complete change in diet. You need to eliminate fat and fast food. Smoking and alcohol should also be excluded.

The use of vitamins.
To increase the potency, you should start with a change in diet. To lower the level of harmful cholesterol and improve potency, you need to include the following products in your diet:

Low-fat meat
Onion and garlic
Dairy products of low-fat content
Seafood and fish
Fresh vegetables
Green tea
Olive oil