Exercises for Aid in Carpal Tunnel Pain

Carpal Tunnel is a very painful injury that may require you to see a top carpal tunnel doctor in Arizona. On top of treatment options from your doctor, there are things you can also do at home to help alleviate the pain.

What is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist causing numbness and tingling in the hand, which affects your thumb and first 2 or 3 fingers, but usually not your pinky finger. It is the most common hand condition and symptoms include pain, numbness, weakness and tingling in the wrists, hands, and fingers. There are many factors that can cause this condition like repetitive hand use, improper positions during activities, certain traits that run in the family, and health conditions such as thyroid, arthritis and diabetes.

Exercises to Help Carpal Tunnel

A pinched nerve is going to impact your daily life and routine. These exercises to prevent carpal tunnel will help you with your symptoms.

Wrist Flex

The wrist flex can be done anywhere and at any time. Start with your palms facing up with your arms extended out in front of your body. Bend one of your wrists toward the floor, flexing the wrist back with the help of the other hand. This helps give you a good stretch down your forearm. It is recommended that this is done two to four times each day for about ten to thirty seconds each time.

Prayer Stretch

The prayer stretch is another convenient exercise that you can do anywhere. Start with your palms in prayer position at the chin level. Lower your hand slowly down the front of your body while your palms are close together until you hit your waist. This is a gentle stretch that should be done two to four times a day for about ten to thirty seconds each time.


An easy exercise to relieve carpal tunnel pain is to vigorously shake your hands las if you are air drying them. This helps with numbness and cramps. Do this for about one to two minutes and do it often throughout the day. This exercise helps keep the muscles and nerves loose and relaxed.

Treatment Options

If your carpal tunnel is severe enough, you might need to do more to find relief. This is when you will want to meet with the best hand surgeon in Arizona for the right treatment options for you. At the Fitzmaurice Hand Institute, you will receive a proper diagnosis and treatment options that are best for your condition. The team will try to find ways to help your carpal tunnel without the need of surgery. However, there may be instances when you need surgery to find relief. The Fitzmaurice Hand Institute in Arizona offers only the best patient care using only the best techniques and equipment.