Homicide Cleanup Service Cleans Up after a Violent Crime

Unfortunately, after a homicide or other serious violent crime, the police and other law enforcement agencies only come to gather evidence, and that’s all. They don’t have units that handle homicide cleanup. While some agencies may have an affiliate with homicide cleanup service providers and may be able to provide a few recommendations, the responsibility of removing the blood stains and bodily fluids rests on the property owner.

Many violent crimes that resulted in the loss of a loved one that requires hiring homicide cleanup service happen in the home. In this case, the task of cleaning the scene will be left to the family members. If on the other hand, the crime happens in a rental home, business place or the like, then the property owner will cover the cleaning cost. Likewise, if the crime happens in a public space, the state or local entity who oversees the affairs of the area will take full responsibility.

Using the Right Tools for Homicide Cleanup Service

When it comes to homicide cleanup, you’re advised to stay clear of amateurs. Blood and bodily fluids are considered a hazardous material and thus require special equipment, techniques, and proper disposal method. This is done in order to protect the cleaner, occupants and general public. Some of the equipment that professional homicide cleanup service uses is listed below

  • PPE: Personal protective equipment used by these experts includes shoe coverings, protective suit, nonporous gloves, filtered respirators and many more. Keep in mind that some of the materials used are beyond restoration; hence they are disposed of immediately after the job is completed. They don’t drop the use items in a trash can; instead they throw them in special hazardous waste containers.
  • Biohazard Disposal Containers: These include plastic containers and heavy-duty hazmat bags that can be sealed to contain contaminated materials
  • Cleaning Supplies: These include sponges, buckets, mops, and cleaning cloths. Just as with the personal protective equipment, these items must be properly disposed of after job completion.
  • Disinfectant Solutions: Get some disinfectant solutions such as bleach and hydrogen peroxide
  • Shovels: This is used to get thick bodily fluids into the disposable containers
  • Solvents: This will help disinfect and re-liquefy blood stains that had bind with the surface
  • Putty Knives: These are often used to get rid of organic matter from hard surfaces.
  • Ladders: There are some stains that perch high up in the walls and ceiling. Experts at homicide cleanup service use ladders to clean spots that they ordinarily can’t reach

Expert homicide cleanup service sometimes uses a camera to take before and after shots of the crime scene. This will come in handy for insurance claims. More so, crime scene cleaners are often advised to maintain up-to-date vaccinations against infectious disease such as hepatitis B. Prevention is the key. Don’t risk your life. Instead, call in the professionals for unparallel homicide cleanup service.; you will find many of them that can get the job done quickly. They have all the equipment to disinfect and sanitize the crime scene.