Know the Different Kinds of Crime Scenes

For those that are in the business of rendering crime scene cleanup Harrisburg Pennsylvania, the first thing they are concerned about when a new job is brought to their offices is the type of crime scene that they have been presented with. Only when this is determined will the steps to be taken be figured out and a plan to remediate the scene or premises, in general, be drafted.

These professionals understand that each crime scene poses a level of health risk from hazardous materials that are not often equal. While some may require a wide range of intense cleaning, others might be properly handled by a less rigorous cleaning routine. However, in all cases, the goal is always to leave the crime scene as habitable as it was before the incident occurred or even better habitable.

Here are some types of crime scene that requires the expertise of crime scene cleanup Harrisburg Pennsylvania.

Violent Death Crime Scenes

These scenes are the ones in which death resulting from an accident, a murder, homicide or suicide has occurred. It is majorly characterized by the presence of a large amount of blood. Also present on the scene are body fluids, tissues and other matters that have emanated from the dead body. These are all biohazards and can easily endanger the health of anyone who doesn’t approach the scene with caution. Thus only professionals that are educated on bloodborne pathogens and how to avoid them should be allowed to clean such sites.

Unattended Death Crime Scene

This is one of the most difficult crime scenes for cleanup crews everywhere. In this case, the blood will have dried up and hardened and what you are also to deal with a very strong offensive smell that is emanating from a decomposing body.  Even after the removal of the body, the smell still lingers. Not just that, there is also the case of liquefied body matter that might remain behind. In events such as these, the crime scene cleanup Harrisburg Pennsylvania is expected to bring along powerful equipment such as foggers and ozone machines so as to completely eradicate all signs of body matter from every surface and within walls and floors, and also eliminate the foul smell that would have pervaded the whole apartment.

Methamphetamine Labs

Although these crime scenes do not usually feature much blood, it is still considered the most dangerous of the three types of crime scenes here listed.

Due to the high level of toxicity and poison that these labs possess, they pose the greatest health risk to those around and even to the cleanup crew designated for the job of cleaning it up. The usual chemicals found in such labs which includes methanol, ammonia, iodine amongst others are easily absorbed by the skin and can be a cause of serious health issues such as lung and liver damages.

It is thus highly important that a highly professional crime scene cleanup Harrisburg Pennsylvania be contacted as soon as possible so that the lab can be remediated and restored to its relatively former safe state.