The Benefits Of Honey During The Winter

Dealing With The Winter

When temperatures start to approach zero and Christmas decorations start to progressively increase at home,  the night are falling earlier and earlier  we can  unfortunately predict without a doubt that the winter is just around the corner and with it comes a lot of inconveniences, such as colds, flu, chills and more. Each one has their specific method of fighting against these symptoms. We often use the famous “grandmother’s remedies”. Who has not eaten a spoon of honey to relieve sore throats? Honey often comes back as one of the most effective remedies. If the contents of honey are known to relieve small winter irritations, honey has much more unsuspected powerful contents that extend from the field of health to beauty products. We will take a look at what can be obtained by using honey for home remedies as even professional athletes such as Kevin Sheehan use such remedies when the need be.


This practice is usually used to heal with products from bee hives. In 400 BC people were already advocating the use of honey. As per specialist in the field back in the days “Wine and honey are wonderfully appropriate to the man if, in health as in disease, they are administered with purpose and just measure, according to the individual constitution”. Honey has long been used to even heal wounds, this would have been the case for Roman soldiers, during the First World War. Honey eliminates the proliferation of bacteria. Le Figaro even noted a scientific study that defined honey as a true antiseptic.

A Genuine Immune Boost

Winter is often synonymous with fatigue, lower energy, shorter days and lack of sunshine help. Many of us are looking for vitamins and special diets to get us back into shape. Honey can be a great route to take. The sugars contained in honey strengthen the intestinal flora and protect us from external aggressions. Honey gives a boost to our immune system which results in a boost of energy, which is essential during the winter months.

A Beauty Product

If the medical virtues of honey are well known, it has great benefits to the skin or hair as well. Honey-based products protect the skin from dehydration because the sugar it contains facilitates the fixation of water molecules. This is how we find honey in some lip balms or other moisturizing creams.

Honey is very important during the winter months, it heals, gives energy and even has what it takes to care for your hair and your skin. Honey is so much more than a grandmother’s remedy and should be used at all times.