Tips, Facts, and Myths About Weed Detoxification

If you wish to cleanse your body from weed, you should know how it acts in your body first. It does not matter if you have to do it because of the upcoming job or if you wish to maintain the current position, because in both cases, you have to be free of THC.

We can consider numerous reasons why you should cleanse yourself from weed, and still, you have to take a specific approach that will help you throughout the detoxification process.

What Is Weed Detox?

You should have in mind that weed detoxification is the process in which you are abstaining from consuming this particular substance so that you can cleanse your body from it. In this specific situation, the idea is to remove excessive amounts of THC from your system.

You will be able to do it by abstaining; however, since most tests come on short notice, you may need to use new approaches that will help you along the way. The entire process can be straightforward for some people and highly challenging for others.

Everything depends on how long you have been consuming as well as the frequency of consumption. If you are a heavy user, the detox may lead to some withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, depression, insomnia, decreased appetite, and anxiety.

Some people do not treat these effects as withdrawal symptoms, but they are considered more as if you are discontinuing a medicine that helped you alleviate some severe symptoms of specific illnesses.

Remember that the process of discontinuation can be unpleasant, but you may be able to reduce their effects and potency.

Visit this link to learn what will happen with weed legislation in the future:

Common Weed Detox Myths

The internet is filled with misinformation about quick ways to remove weed metabolites from your body. The most common ones include excessive water consumption, cranberry juices, vinegar, detox teas, bleach, and niacin detox.

When it comes to these myths, you should know that they do not work, which means that you should not lose time in trying them. If you have noticed some unreliable and questionable methods for passing, you should avoid it unless you have specific information that it works.

Removing THC from the body without additional products is lengthy process, and you will not be able to use anything that will cleanse you overnight.

Best Weed Detox Methods That Do Work

Since now you understand what you should avoid, you should also learn steps that you should take to handle the issues that may happen.

The best choice when it comes to detoxification is the natural process that may take up to three months in most severe cases. It is unknown how long you will need to do it because the process depends on your lifestyle and daily habits.

Natural Detox

We have mentioned above that the best method for weed detox is by following the natural process. Of course, it requires abstinence, but in general, it is the most effective solution that you can choose.

We can consider various ways to handle natural detox, and you can use all of them together so that you can boost the process. Most of them include implementing healthy habits and practices that will prove useful for your overall health and condition.

  • Abstain – Even though it is logical that you cannot remove something if you continue with consumption, which means that you should altogether avoid using anything that features cannabis. It doesn’t matter if you decide to do it cold turkey or to use additional supplements that will help you, because detox can start from the moment when you choose to avoid taking cannabis altogether.
  • Workout – Since THC will linger in fatty cells, you should have in mind that exercise will help you reduce the percentage of body fat, which will ultimately help you detoxify faster than before. At the same time, exercise will boost your metabolic rate, which is responsible for removing toxins out of your body. You should implement a combination of weight and cardio training so that you can increase metabolism and burn fat along the way. Apart from that, exercise will increase the production of anandamide, which is a bliss molecule that will reduce the effects of withdrawal symptoms due to abstinence.

It is vital to read drug testing reviews so that you can learn how to pass every single test available on the market.

  • Drink Water – Drinking plenty of water is a great way to boost the detoxification process that will cleanse the excessive amounts of toxins out of your body. Of course, we are not talking that you should overdo it because if you drink too much that may lead to poisoning and intoxication.
  • Healthy Diet – By avoiding foods that feature high levels of fat, sugar, and sodium, you will be able to boost the process as well as metabolic rate. Remember that junk food, as well as red meat, will increase the water retention, and as a result, your metabolism will be slower than before. Instead of eating junk food, you should turn to lean meats, veggies, leafy greens and fruits. You can help yourself by consuming leafy greens that feature high amounts of iron and other vitamins. Therefore, you should eat more kale, spinach, and other greens to boost the process of detoxification. During this particular period, you should also incorporate healthy fibers within your diet as well as whole wheat, peanuts, legumes, and other nutty fruits.
  • Tea – Even though detox teas are haul that will only take money out of your pockets, using green tea instead of coffee will boost the levels of antioxidants. You can also consume the ones that will help you cleanse the liver, such as milk thistle and dandelion tea, because during the detox, liver is working overtime, and you have to find ways to maintain its efficiency.
  • Mental Health – If you have noticed that weed withdrawal makes you feel anxiety, depression, and irritability during the detox, you have to prepare yourself for the process. It means that you should implement activities that will help you relax and reduce excessive amounts of stress. It does not matter if you decide to work out or meditate to relax, because in both cases you should do something about your mental health during that time.