Top 10 Gifts That Your Artist Friend Will Surely Love

Gifting an artist is not easy. They have an unusual taste, and probably only like gifts that are related to art in some way or the other. If you are looking for a gift for an artist in your life or a painter friend, here are the top 10 products that they will surely appreciate…

Top 10 gifts for an artist

  1. Colors

Yes, this might seem like an effortless idea, but with the range of colors available today, finding something suitable will surely seem overwhelming. For instance, Golden’s High Flow Acrylic Colors are known for being extremely fluid. They are even high in pigmentation. Overall they are great for all sorts of painting techniques. Similarly, if your friend adores oil payntings by lanaZueva, simply gift him/her oil paint colors.

  1. Brushes

Again, a very obvious choice, but surely the most practical one. However, your friend will still appreciate it. To make it more memorable, add a personalized note to it stating something like – love your work, never want you to stop.

However, before buying brushes, make sure what type of brush your friend uses. Common choices are round, flat, and filbert.

  1. Painting knives

It is very unusual to paint with knives. It not only produces different marks on canvas but even feels different in hand. If your friend uses knife painting techniques, he/she will surely love a new set. On the other hand, if your friends have never tried this technique before, your gift will motivate them.

  1. Color shapers

Color shapers look like brushes and are used as knives, but they are very different. They are mostly used for texture effects, and for smearing paints. Any decent artist will love to work with them, and thereby develop new painting styles.

  1. Watercolor mediums

If you don’t know much about art supplies, this product will surely amaze you. These are different mediums that you can add to your existing watercolor and thereby alter their texture and feel. For instance, Granulation medium will change your smooth watercolor and make it grainy. Professional artists use such mediums all the time to make their art pieces unique and striking.

To know more about Lana Zueva and her style, visit her official website. All her works are displayed there as well.

  1. Paints storage and organizer

If your artist friend is messy, he/she will surely be delighted to see an organizer. But one with multiple layers, and enough compartments to place anything and everything.

  1. Portable art kit

These kits are great for those who frequently travel for work or pleasure. A compact set of pens, pencils, a pocket sketchbook, watercolors, and brushes, will ensure that your friend can be creative everywhere.

  1. Travel brush set

It is very easy to carry these brushes around. The handle on these brushes comes apart and can be slipped over the bristles to protect them from spoiling. You can carry them in your pocket if you want.

  1. A Buddha Board

This board works much like an Etch Sketch. However, the main difference is you use water and a brush to draw on it. As the image dries, it disappears.

  1. Books

There are many self-help books for artists and art lovers. Gift something that can help your friend learn new and latest techniques, as well as motivate them to work harder and make a career as a professional artist like Lana Zueva.

Well, there you go. Now, you are loaded with ideas, and thus you will surely end up buying something great for your friend.