Website Leasing: Your Preferences

Lease or rent your website instead of buying it? Yes, that is also possible nowadays. At least, in the strict sense of the word, it is not about ‘leasing’ or ‘renting’. In fact, it is a subscription model.

But the comparison with lease cars and rental houses is usually very useful in explaining how it works. Leasing has many advantages over buying anyway. And it is not for nothing that it has grown so fast in popularity in recent years.

Subscription services are popular

Nowadays you can subscribe to almost anything (and more and more). Netflix is ​​the standard example, but subscriptions to means of transport are also popular. Car sharing, for example, but there are also such services for bicycles and e-scootersor how about all food boxes? In fact, that is a subscription to food.

Anyway, it can be used for socks, diapers, tampons, razors, toilet paper and much more. SaaS (software-as-a-service) has been a household name in the software industry for years.

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A subscription for your website

Note in advance, we are of course writing this blog because our website subscription model is a lot like leasing. We often use the comparison when we want to explain how our service works: ‘see it as full operational leasing for your website’. But there are also some differences, as mentioned.

For example, unlike many lease contracts, our service can be canceled monthly. So you are not stuck with it for years. You also do not pay interest. And your website is yours, just like your domain name.To start with, we discuss below advantages of leasing, in general and applied to websites.

Do not pay a large amount in one go

As a small or starting entrepreneur, the money does not grow on your back. And if you already have a piggy bank, you probably prefer to use it for other investments or as a ‘buffer’.

Having a website built and paid in one go costs serious money. But with a website subscription-without-start-up costs you don’t have to plunder your savings account.

Oh, and do not be tempted by the price fighters in the market: building a good website takes time and requires knowledge. To keep prices low, there will always have to be cutbacks. See also benefit 4 in this regard.

Knowing where you stand

When you lease your website, you know where you stand financially every month. The comparison with a car also applies here: you often opt for a lease to avoid unexpected costs. Regular maintenance costs money (often when it is just not convenient) and repair costs are added over the years.

Many website owners do not think about it, but your website also needs regular maintenance. More about that at advantage. What matters here: website maintenance costs money. And if you’ve ‘bought’ your site, those costs will be added afterwards, every month.