Where to Start When Cleaning a House?

Cleaning your home might seem difficult, but it’s one of those tasks that you need to start slowly and move on at your own pace. The most important thing here is to stay organised. You need to create a plan and stick to it. If you do that, the results will be better than you might think. You will need to give it a shot and see how it goes for you, and once you do that you will have no problem getting the job done.


The reason why you want to start with your bathroom is because it’s there that you can find most germs. It can be one of the most time-consuming parts of the home to clean so starting here, in the most difficult room is a good idea. Get the big task out the way! This will make it easier for you to clean all the other rooms. That being said, you do need high-quality cleaning materials if you want this to work properly. So keep an eye out for cleaning products that specify they’re for the bathroom in particular.


This is the place where you cook and eat. Basically, any germs acquired from here can easily bring in health issues. That’s why you need to clean the kitchen frequently. It can be helpful when cleaning the kitchen to use products that are eco-friendly as well. This is not only great for the environment but these products can do an excellent job at cleaning kitchen grime as well while protecting your family and pets. It also prevents any harmful chemicals from landing on surfaces where you will be preparing food.

Living Room

Cleaning your living room is a really good idea to tackle once you clean the kitchen and the bathroom. Since you spend time there at least a few hours per day, you do want to clean it adequately and remove any dirt or grime or dead skin particles. This will make it a nicer place to relax at the end of the day as well. Don’t forget to open the windows and let some fresh air in!


The bedrooms should be last on this list. If you have kids, you can delegate this task to them as part of their weekly chores. A tidy bedroom will help you to sleep better at night and ensure that your bedroom is a relaxing and restful place. That way you don’t wake up feeling overwhelmed with clutter.

In conclusion, cleaning your home the right way might be a bit time-consuming. But it’s always worth it and it can bring you great results no matter what. Yes, it’s challenging to find the right order but remember, do the most demanding tasks first. When I was looking for cleaning companies near me, this is the same advice that I received from domestic cleaners with many years’ experience. Then you can expand to the other stuff. It’s a great way to tackle the cleaning process, and it will be worth it in the end. Just remember, cleaning up your home shouldn’t be something you do in a rush. Take your time and you will do a much better job.