Can You Sue Your Uber Driver For An Accident?

Since you don’t own a car, you always use Uber whenever you go out. You think that this is the most convenient mode of transportation available for you because you only need your phone to book a ride. You have been experiencing fast and reliable service with Uber for the longest time that you can remember. But since accidents on the road are no longer uncommon, you also think that there’s always a possibility for you be involved in one even if you’re with an Uber driver. And when this happens, do you know what to do? Would you know the steps to take to sue someone if you’ve sustained personal injuries from the accident? Let this article help you answer those questions and anything related to Uber accidents.

An Easy Answer For An Easy Question

For the question of whether you can sue your Uber driver for an accident, here is the short answer: Yes, you can sue an Uber driver provided that you serve copies of the lawsuit documents to that driver as well as the insurance company. Contrary to popular belief, you won’t have to sue the company outright as drivers are considered as independent contractors and not the company’s employees. This means that when a car accident happens when you’re riding an Uber, you sue the driver and not the company itself.

If you’re planning to take legal actions against an Uber driver when an accident happens during your ride, consider these:

  • You should call 911 for any immediate medical need. You should never affirm that you’re safe from the accident if you don’t see any visible cuts or bruises as you’re not in the position to do so, only doctors and other medical practitioners can do that. You should also check if other people involved in the crash were hurt. Call 911 immediately following the accident and be sure to follow-up with a physician to ensure that there are no internal injuries.

  • Take pictures of the wreck as this can help in the proceedings of the case. Don’t forget to include the damages of the vehicles, the scene of the accident and the injuries sustained by the parties from the accident. You can also take pictures of the road conditions as these may be factors of why the accident happened.

  • Talk to witnesses and make sure you have their full names and contact numbers. And when you do talk to them, make sure that you’re not aggressive. You should be calm as much as possible as doing the former might scare them away. Talk to them about your intentions of getting them as witnesses for the case.

  • Write down the full name and other information of the Uber driver if these are not yet stored on your device.

  • Work with a lawyer. It’s always best to work with an experienced attorney during situations like these. Being involved in an accident with an Uber driver is tricky business but an attorney specializing in Uber car accidents, like this one here, can help you in more ways than one. It can save you time and effort because an attorney can work on your behalf.

In Conclusion

Obviously, Uber has made commuting easier for almost anyone. It’s convenient and accessible 24/7. But on the other side of the coin, just because you’re traveling with an Uber driver doesn’t mean that you’re immune from accidents or personal injuries from accidents. This article can help you get through those situations easier, especially when you’re considering taking legal action. You’ll now have an idea of what to do, and what to expect when you’re involved in an Uber car accident.