6 Most Common Myths about Smartphones among Seniors

Improving technology has merged with our lives and seeing a senior using a smartphones to aarp cell phones for seniors is no surprise any more. However, not all elderly people have a positive attitude towards this device, being unlikely to trust it if they haven’t touched any technological innovations before.  So what are the most common myths about smartphones that seniors have and how could we debunk them?

  1. They are expensive. Seniors often see phones as expensive and not worth of huge investments and such attitude is no surprise if they’ve only heard about the latest models. Yet if you introduce them to simpler devices, which cost only a couple of dozen Euro, the elderly should soon understand that a mobile phone is not a luxury and could be owned by anyone wanting to have a more convenient communication line.  
  2. Phones are needed only for urgent and important situations. We are well-aware that mobile and smartphones can offer so much more, but seniors find it difficult to let them into their lives. You’ll have to put a little effort here: tell them that they would be able to call you or other friends with mobile phones any time they want and, if you decide to look for a device that can offer more functions, teach them to use them. A camera, a radio or the internet – these should really sound attractive. 6 Most Common Myths about Smartphones among Seniors
  1. It’s difficult to learn to use them. Some people are critical towards innovations, feeling uneasy not only about smartphones, but also smart TV or any other unknown device. If your senior is afraid of being unable to learn how to use a mobile phone, look for the simplest of models, which offer functions like calling the closest people using a single button or do other simple tasks. They must see it for themselves! Pigu.lt online shop offers phones for seniors for a good price.
  2. The phone size is inconvenient Larger phones don’t fit into a pocket and it’s too difficult to read anything on a small screen? That’s surely not a problem – many of them have special functions, adapted for seniors, which enable to enlarge the font to something that is easy to read. You can rest assured that you’ll definitely find a phone model, which will fit the needs of your family members that have eyesight problems.
  3. Their keyboards are inconvenient for seniors. Yes, phone keyboard is far from a laptop keyboard, but this doesn’t mean that seniors won’t be able to overcome this task. If namely this is your greatest concern, you should choose a model with larger keys – these surely won’t make it difficult for seniors to write a text message or find information online. They will be soon convinced of that too.
  4. Phones increase the social gap. Seniors, more than anyone else, value face-to-face communication and thus they might think that getting them a phone means you’ll visit them less often. In that case you should explain that using a mobile phone they will be able to hear your voice more often, as well as convince that it will definitely not mean less visits.

The next step after myth-busting and convincing is finding the new phone. The choice is really wide and you’ll definitely pick something that you like and find convenient.