Convert Fiat Cryptocurrency And Other Money Into Seamless Strat

As per the sources from the Cryptocurrency Hong Kong, a strain has been put on the digital crypto market by the current market bear and especially towards the end of 2018, ICOs have started seeing the decline as compared to its performance in the months of Jan to Mar of the year 2017. There is always another side story and now the bear market involves many of the renowned mainstream companies and blockchain.

A Ray of Hope for Gloomy Crypto Space

The world-renowned companies like Samsung, IBM, Amazon, and Walmart etc. have been working their ways to implement their blockchain-based solutions. Many experts have believed that this path is a true path for crypto and it should have been on it from the first place. The latest company who has jumped into this is no other than Microsoft. The reports suggesting that Microsoft helps ICOs has been out. A London based firm, Stratis of Stratos Group aims to facilitate the project by offering the initial coin to manage the distribution of tokens. Both ICO and IPO are similar however in ICO, a fundraising activity has been raised by the new projects of crypto where investors have to pay to buy tokens. Some people believe that ICOs are a much better way to raise capital.

On the Stratis platform, the participants can obtain a secure and flexible payment getaway to pay for their underlying tokens. The payment can only be accepted if it is made through Bitcoin or the Strat. An add-on service, Changely has been integrated into the platform by Microsoft which allows the user to convert their money into Strat smoothly.

Market Analysis of Stellar Price

As per the latest market trend and analytical report, the XLM price has been marked as 0.08619600 US Dollar on the chart.