Effective Tips To Reduce The Water Usage In Your Business

Conserving water is critical to our future. It’s easy to forget that each drop of water we use has to start as rain off in some other part of the world. We have a responsibility as consumers to make sure we don’t waste it when we don’t need it. In this article, I’ll give you tips for reducing your business’s water usage and ways you can encourage your employees to conserve resources!

Maintain all water appliances

It’s time to take care of the appliances in your office. It’s not enough to fill up a water reservoir, turn on the faucet, and then forget about it for months at a time. You need to make sure that these appliances are working properly and not wasting water at all times. In addition, you should check if there is any leakage or leakage of water from these appliances. If there is such a leakage, then it will lead to the wastage of water, which can be minimized by proper maintenance and servicing of these devices.

Fix toilet leaks

Once you find the leak, fix it as soon as possible. This can be done with a simple repair kit that will plug up your toilet’s drain hole and stop water from escaping. If you don’t want to install a new toilet, look into an alternative, like using an air admittance valve. These valves allow air into the drainage system of your basement when the water level rises too high—and they’re great for preventing backups without having to replace anything.

How much water is wasted from a leaking toilet? Well, if you have one that leaks about 1 inch per hour, which is about average for most people’s toilets, then over 30 days, there would be about 900 gallons of wasted water just from one leaky toilet.

Make use of grey water

Grey water is wastewater from the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. This can be stored in a tank and used to water plants or flush toilets. It is not as clean as drinking water, so it should not be used for washing your hands or brushing your teeth.

In order to store grey water for later use, you will need a greywater system which includes a holding tank and filtration system that separates the waste from the clean water.

Get a smart water meter

Before you start saving water, it’s important to know how much water your business uses. You can get a smart water meter that will help you monitor your water usage and detect leaks. This will give you the information needed to save water and reduce your bill.

A smart meter is a device that monitors the amount of water flowing through pipes in your building. The connection between the meter and the building’s main line allows for real-time monitoring of consumption patterns at any time of day or night. With this technology, businesses can get an accurate reading of their daily, monthly, or annual usage levels to optimize their conservation efforts.

Use water-saving taps and shower heads

Water-saving taps and shower heads are available at any hardware store or online. You can easily identify the water-saving features by looking for a grey star on the tap or shower head. The stars indicate how much water the device uses per minute, which affects its flow rate. The lowest star rating allows only 4 liters per minute (l/min).

To get an idea of how much time you would save with a high-efficiency toilet, here’s an example:

  • A standard flush toilet uses 6 liters of water per flush
  • With a 5-gallon tank, this means every time someone flushes, it takes 30 seconds to refill again and another 30 seconds before it can be used again as full capacity is restored.


We hope that these tips will help you reduce water usage in your business. You can also contact the experts at Business Energy Comparison if you have any questions or need further assistance with reducing your water use.