Get Flawless Skin Through Dermaplaning

Do you ever wonder how the skin of models on magazine covers can be so flawless? Maybe you have even wished to flaunt such great skin for just one day. Well, the secret behind it is dermaplaning.Dermaplaning is a procedure which requires the use of a shape blade to get rid of hair on your face and remove dead skin cells. It is a delicate procedure, so you should not try to do it by yourself. Visit atrained and qualified aesthetician at skin spa NYC if you live in New York or surrounding areas to have the procedure done right.

The process

The procedure is similar to shaving other parts of your body. It should be a painless process if it is done by a qualified professional and should take about 30 minutes. The aesthetician will cleanse your face thoroughly and then dry it. He or she will then make gentle strokes on an area of your skin using a ten gauge sterile blade to remove hair and dead cells. The aesthetician usually combines the procedure with hydrating and nourishing skincare treatment.

Precautions to take before going for dermaplaning

While dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types, very oily skin types can present a challenge because the oiliness causes the blade to snag.  You should not get the procedure done of you have cystic acne. In such a case, you need to wait untilthe acne clears out to get the procedure done. You should also be careful if you have overly sensitive skin. You should let your aesthetician know before you go for dermaplaning. Additionally, if you have open wounds, lesions, or are allergic to nickel, you may not be a suitable candidate for the procedure. Dermaplaning is also not recommended if you have used Accutane within six months.

The benefits of dermaplaning

Apart from having radiant skin, your new skin will have renewed abilities to absorb your skin products better. Your facial products will, therefore, be more effective. The procedure also increases skin cell turnover, reduces wrinkles and fine lines; hyperpigmentation; and chances of developing acne. Moreover, your make up will look more flawless because your skin will be smoother.

Dermaplaning removes skin cells which have accumulated for up to three weeks, and you can enjoy smooth and beautiful skin for a month.

Preparing for a dermaplaning procedure

To prep your skin, avoid exfoliating for five days to a week before the procedure. Stop using Retina-A and sunbathing, 7-14 days before you go for treatment.  Additionally, do not shave, thread or wax at least two weeks before your appointment with an aesthetician. If your skin breaks out for whatever reason before the treatment, reschedule the treatment and wait until your skin heals.

After the treatment, keep away from the sun for 2 to 3 days and wear sunscreen. Do not use exfoliators and harsh soaps or other facial products for a week. Use a gentle cleanser and serums and moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated.

When you are contemplating having the procedure done, consult with your aesthetician first. They will evaluate your skin and determine if dermaplaning or other procedure is suitable for you.