How to Fire an Employee Properly

You have probably stumbled across this article because you are looking for tips on how to fire an employee with dignity and ease. Before embarking on this, you may wish to give the employee a warning, but if you have gone way beyond this, firing the employee may be the only solution. This is especially so if the behaviour of the employee is affecting morale on the rest of the staff in a negative way. To help you with relieving the employee of their duties, here are a few do’s and don’ts for firing an employee, according to dental jobs website Dent Reps.


Don’t talk around it

It is important to be direct when you are confronting the subject. You need to make sure that the employee knows that they are being fired. If they leave the meeting thinking nothing has changed, this could create further problems for you.

Of course, a meeting like this is socially awkward, and it can be excruciating especially if you have enjoyed the employee’s company during their employment. Make sure you don’t come across as rude. There is a big difference between being rude and being direct, so don’t cross this line.


Do ensure the departing employee is paid properly

Before the employee leaves for the final time, make sure that the employee has been paid properly. You don’t want them coming back in a few weeks time saying they have been underpaid.

Do thank the employee

It is important to end the meeting on good terms, so it is important from a human point of view to thank the employee for their service, especially if the employee has been a good servant to your workplace. Make sure you offer your services to offer them a reference (if deserved) for the future.

Do inform the rest of the workforce

It is recommended that you briefly call your staff together for a quick meeting and inform them all that the employee has left the workplace. The last thing you want to happen is for rumors to start circulating about what happened to the employee, which could create unrest.

It is likely you will have an open position as a result of firing an employee, so why not advertise a vacant position on the job board of Dent Reps –