Kinds of Erotic Pictures

야짤 are with us not just in this modern lifestyle but it was also since the beginning of the life of a human on earth. However, these days the number of such pictures have grown more. There are many types of erotic pictures which we can found today. Let’s know some of these categories in today’s article.

Erotic but not

The very first type of erotic pictures is erotic but not. Here ‘erotic but not ‘ means the picture doesn’t seem to be erotic in a general way, yet for some people, some pictures become erotic. These pictures are not even nude pictures but still, these pictures can be counted as erotic due to the poses they pose in the pictures which can be identified not by everyone but only by few people who feel with the pictures. In this category, we can even count the normal-looking pictures of such people who make us feel loved when they appear before us and in the absence of them, the picture alone fulfils the work of the feeling they arouse in ourself with their real presence.


In the second category, we can count these pictures which are not completely nude but just some part of the body of the people or person in the pictures are open. These open body parts may be anything like the legs of women, chest of men, breast of ladies and many such things. Some of such pictures can be used publicly while some others can’t be used. It all depends on which body part is visible in the picture and which is covered or hidden.


In this category of the erotic pictures, the images are of naked girls mostly.  They don’t wear even a single cloth on their body or just some one-piece cloth for namesake only. These erotic pictures are loved by boys and men a lot and they want to keep these pictures in their mobiles, hidden gallery on web and at many such places. Boys and men who live without their parents and just with some friends, mostly keep the large size exotic images even in their bedroom walls so that they can look at this picture every time when they are in the room. These pictures can’t be used publicly in any way as people don’t want to show any of these pictures publically, though most of them use it and everyone knows about it. That is called society.

Sex poses

In this type of erotic images, generally, the girls in the pictures are not alone but they are shown to be with someone in the picture and doing some sexual activities. These type of pictures are counted as pornography material also. The Internet is flooded with these types of pictures and can be accessed by anyone.


These were just a few of the categories we discussed above. If we go in more depth of this topic, more new types of erotic images we can be found around us.