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How to be a good online poker player? There is no exact formula, however, there are certain habits that are essential to stay alive in this sea full of “fish” and “sharks”.

Thanks to our friends at the Poker, we have heard the advice of Team Pro Online, a recent winner of an FTOPS event and a two-time champion of the TLB of the company of the red spade. Prepare a pencil and paper to write down the following recommendations. From 더킹카지노 you can find the best deal.

The Right Solutions

If you are started, it is essential to “play at low limits and only go up when your confidence is reinforced by the results you get.” Why? Simple, there are very good players who are willing to take advantage of the lack of experience of those who start.

“These levels allow us to face a wide range of situations from which very valuable lessons can be drawn; the most important of them: learning to manage defeat. No matter how focused you are or how well you play, most of the time you will end up being eliminated from the tournament sooner or later, you cannot win every time. And you will have to recognize that the psychological work of accepting defeat is much easier if you play tournaments with low buy-ins. And much less aggressive with your bankroll than if you played at higher levels, of course.

The Five Pillars of the Poker Player

The Brazilian tells us that for all those who wish to work in online poker they must strengthen the following points. You can study, research, dedication, willpower and sacrifice. To improve your game you have to study, and knowledge does not fall from the sky. You need to find resources to help you evolve in your game.

Study, study and more study

If the subtitle was not clear to you, Caio indicates: You have to be as objective as possible when reviewing how you put what you have learned into practice. Always ask yourself what your goal is and if you are willing to face the dedication and effort that it takes to achieve it. If the answer is yes, continue down that path, have more determination and sacrifice capacity to overcome any limitations. You have to have love for what you do and respect the work that requires going beyond the cards that are dealt.

The rule that you must write down in your mind forever

«Every tournament is a competition, it is a psychological battle. You’re going to face a lot of bad beats that you have to deal with on your own, and complaining is not going to change anything; so if you want to dedicate yourself to online poker, achieving it will require effort and perseverance.


You can have the easy tips, but to read, because applying them in a good way is not an easy task. Studying and being disciplined should be part of your daily routine and with it you can make your path to an easy life in poker less difficult.