Reasons to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer

Some people believe motorcycles are not vehicles, that is to say, they do not pay the same attention to a motorcycle as they do with a car. The truth is that even though motorcycles occupy less space in the road, they have the same rights and responsibilities that any other vehicle has. Certain drivers can also show their anger and discontent with motorcyclists and stay too close or not give them enough space. Motorcycles are indeed dangerous because they offer less protection to the driver than a car would do.

However, motorcycle riders are much more aware of the disadvantages they face and try to protect themselves. One way a motorcyclist can protect himself is through a motorcycle accident lawyer. Everything you need to know is at Krasney Law.  But in this article you can find the most important reasons to hire an accident lawyer.

  1. Accidents are more dangerous for motorcyclists

Percentages tell a terrible tale: Motorcyclists are 26 times more likely to die because of a car crash than people in automobiles. This number tells a lot about the added risk of riding a motorcycle. Despite this, many people still prefer the convenience of a bike ride. Having an accident lawyer would be helpful in any crash scenario, from a mild one to a hard one. An attorney, someone who knows how the law and how to protect the rights of the motorcyclist, will make sure his client gets justice if he is injured through the negligence or fault of another.

  1. The aftermath is expensive

Dealing with all the aftermath of a motorcycle accident is already a heavy burden, it is better to have a professional dealing with it. Just like the helmet is the right tool to protect your head, a lawyer will protect your interest in the case of an accident. Not being well-guided and represented can be very expensive since most drivers want to put the blame of the motorcycle driver most of the time.

  1. A lawyer is not going to go against you

A motorcycle attorney will fight for your cause and get you compensation you need to set life in order and pay your medical bills. If you go undefended, you may get much less compensation since every party in a legal dispute always tries to be exempted from responsibility and therefore from payment and guilt. Not wearing a helmet is, for example, a common way to low ball the driver at court. An experienced lawyer will know how to act in these cases and protect the motorcycle driver.

  1. Gathering evidence is what they do

A professional motorcycle lawyer will know how to gather all the necessary evidence to support your case in court. Police reports and medical records are just some of the papers that are usually necessary and that your lawyer will know how to obtain from the very first moment of the crash.

  1. Expert advice and actions

A good lawyer will explain the whole process to the driver and also advise you on what to do next. Expectations and timelines to file papers or legal briefs, for example, are common knowledge for an accident lawyer.

Consequences of a motorcycle and car accident

Riding a motorcycle means that your body is more exposed to injuries and easily hurt. These are some of the most common injuries caused by this type of accident:

  1. Broken bones
  2. Brain trauma
  3. General road rash
  4. Spine injury

Each injury can cause short-term and long-term consequences. Injuries may include internal, bleeding, chronic pain to partial or total paralysis. Some medical problems may crop up sometime after the legal process is done and the plaintiff or victim signed off on an agreement. A good lawyer can foresee and ask for the right compensation according to the injuries that the driver got.

Many motorcycle accident lawyers are willing to give a free consultation so that you can decide how to act when involved in an accident. Personal injury lawsuits are legal actions that require the expertise of a professional.

Continue to enjoy the freedom and fresh air that a motorcycle ride can give you. It is not necessary to give up your biker lifestyle. But if you keep riding, do yourself a favor and be well-represented and legally protected.