Signs Of An Unsafe Workplace

We all have to work but some jobs are more dangerous than others and that is to be expected. But what if you are hired to work for a company that is not in a dangerous industry but there are signs that it might be a dangerous environment to work in? There are ways you can tell if you are about to enter into a dangerous work environment and there are things you can do about it.

There are many signs of an unsafe workplace such as:

  • A lot of debris and items are left all over the place including in entryways creating tripping hazards.
  • Misuse of secure entry to get into the building.
  • Lack of protective hear for employees working in certain environments
  • Non-ergonomic work stations
  • Chemicals are not stored properly
  • Chemicals are not labelled
  • There is a lack of training surrounding safety issues
  • The office space is left in a state of uncleanliness. Food is left out overnight, kitchen utilities and dishes are not cleaned properly, carpets are never vacuumed, dust if piling up on the furnishings.
  • Air conditioning units are not cleaned and serviced properly.
  • There are fire hazards such as too many appliances plugged into one unit, frayed electrical cords or old equipment that overheats.
  • There’s no plan in place to deal with the various emergencies that could arise.

There are many reasons why all or any of these things may be occurring in a workplace. The staff could be lazy or unmotivated or perhaps they are not aware of the dangers and how to correct them. Whatever the reason, your employer is liable for the health and safety of workers and they are responsible for ensuring the workplace is safe for everyone.

If you notice any of the above signs of an unsafe workplace, you have a responsibility to report this to your direct supervisor who should report it to the manager or person in charge of such things. Make a list of what you’ve observed and plan what you will say in advance. Approach the person in a calm manner and tell them your concerns.

If things are not rectified in this manner, you may have to go to the manager or person responsible on your own terms and if that doesn’t work, you may need to seek help from an outside agency. While they may be reluctant or downright refuse to help you, it’s a good idea to try and get other employees on your side who agree that the safety issues need to be improved.

There are many reasons to be invested in the safety of yourself and your coworkers besides the fact that unsafe conditions can lead to injury, illness or even death. Unsafe work areas can result in lost time and money for the company and, down the road, for you and your coworkers. An accident can tarnish the company’s reputation which will, in turn, affect long term operations which may affect your job security.

Unsafe working conditions don’t benefit anyone and it’s in everyone’s best interest to take care of any safety issues as soon as they are noticed.