Subtle things a cheating partner will usually do

Most unfaithful partners will not admit an affair to their significant other even when they’re blatantly caught up in their own lies. They’ll go further down the rabbit hole until everything finally breaks out to the surface. As much as they might be trying to hide the love affair, guilt and the stress of constantly having to look behind their shoulder means there’s always some subtle hints giving them away.

  1. Accusing you of cheating

The best defense is offense right? If your partner suddenly starts accusing you of being unfaithful for no apparent reason, they might be trying to divert your attention from the real issue. They could also be driven by guilt, and simply can’t live with the fact of what they’re doing any longer. Instead of admitting it though, they have to resort to petty things like accusing you of cheating. Imagine that, huh?

  1. Everything is perfect

You’re not fighting about anything, there are no conflicts, no dramas… and then boom, it turns out they’ve been cheating on you all along. Now, we’re not for a moment suggesting your partner is cheating on you every time things seem to be going well, but in some cases it could indicate exactly that. When your partner stops caring about the relationship and shifts part of his attention elsewhere, it could make for a very harmonious “relationship. This sign has to be used in conjunction with other signs to be effective, so don’t rely solely on it.

  1. Need for privacy

Your partner doesn’t let you use their phone anymore, and they start taking calls in the other room. When you kindly ask them who they’re talking to and why they’re being so secretive, they dismiss or laugh it off always claiming it’s a family member or a friend. Let’s be real though, who feels the need to hide a phone call with a friend or a relative? More to the point, if this sort of thing only happens at night, as it usually does, which kind of a friend feels the need to call your partner at that hour? The best way to get positive confirmation about your partner’s love affair is to use PeopleFinders and perform a reverse phone lookup. Find out who you partner’s been talking to this entire time and confront them about it directly.

  1. They’re far too nice

Is your partner all of a sudden showering you in compliments and treating you with numerous gifts? It could be their conscience eating them up alive. They feel the need they have to somehow repay you and assuage their own conscience.


In the end, you can’t live your life looking for signs your partner is being unfaithful. Just enjoy the time you have with them and trust your gut instincts. When something’s wrong, you’ll immediately know, believe us.