The Reasons Why Your HVAC Energy Efficiency Is Not Improving

Your HVAC system is one of the biggest energy users in your home. If you want to lower your energy bills, you need to invest in an energy efficient HVAC. The problem is that many people do this only to find that their energy efficiency is not actually improving. If you are one of these people, there are a number of reasons why this might be the case.

Getting The Wrong Size

When it comes to getting an HVAC system for your home, you need to choose the right size.  Bigger is generally not better when it comes to these systems, but too small can cause as many issues. You have to calculate the right size HVAC system for your home to ensure that you get the energy efficiency that you want.

If you have a system that is too large, it will constantly cycle on and off. This will lead to inefficient power use and some uncomfortable changes in temperature. Most people do not realize how much energy turning the system on and off constantly will use.

However, when you have a system that is too small, it will have to work a lot harder. Too small systems will run for longer as they try to achieve the temperature that you want. This will increase your energy useable and will wear out the system much faster.  

To determine if you have the right size system, you have to look at the cooling capacity that your home needs. To do this, take the square footage, insulation, layout, and heat generating appliances into account. If you feel overwhelmed by this, you might want to contact an HVAC professional to complete the calculation for you.

Improper Installation

A lot of people do not realize the serious impact that the installation of their HVAC system will have. If a system is installed incorrectly you could face a range of problems including low energy efficiency. This is one of the reasons why you should always hire a professional and reputable HVAC company to complete the installation.  

The installation of the system will vary depending on the type of HVAC unit you have. If you have chosen a window unit, you need to ensure that it is situated in the window correctly. If there are gaps or the unit is not level, the energy efficiency will be compromised.

If you have installed a central HVAC system, you need to consider the ducts and vents. The ductwork is very important in these cases as it could increase your energy bill by 30% if done incorrectly. This is due to the fact that air could enter the ducts from outside the system. Poor duct installation could also block the effective travel of the air.

You Have Dirty Filters

If your HVAC system has been running for a while and you see a change in the energy efficiency, you should check the filters. Dirty and clogged air filters can cause a lot of problems for your system starting with lower efficiency. Fortunately, this is one of the easiest problems to fix and you can easily do this yourself.

To check the filters, you should consult your owner’s manual. The exact steps that you should take will vary depending on the system that you have. When you get to the filters, you need to see if they are full of dust or are otherwise clogged.

If they are, you need to replace them with ones approved by the manufacturer. If you leave your air filters dirty, they will eventually cause a malfunction of the entire system. There are many people who have had to replace their entire systems because of damage caused by dirty air filters.

Poor Maintenance And Servicing

Your HVAC system needs to be maintained and serviced. If you do not properly maintain and service the system, you will see a drop in your energy efficiency. This can actually be caused by a range of problems from low refrigerant levels to cracks in the components.  

The best way to avoid this will be to have a maintenance schedule that you keep to. There are some maintenance checks that you will be able to do yourself. However, there are others that you need to hire a professional to take care of.

One of these maintenance tasks will be to clean the ducts. If you leave the ducts in your home to become dirty, they will impede the flow of air. This will reduce the efficiency of your system and could cause other problems. Harmful airborne particles could circulate your home through dirty vents and cause health problems for your family.

Most HVAC systems will have a recommended service schedule. You need to have the system serviced by a professional that knows how to work on your particular model. Having your system serviced will not only ensure that it is energy efficient, it will also stop any costly problems from occurring.

The Locations Of Your Thermostat

A lot of people place their thermostat in the most convenient location for them. However, this might not be the best location for energy efficiency. If your thermostat is located next to a heat producing appliance or in the path of direct sunlight, you are going to have energy efficiency problems.

When it comes to cooling your home, the thermostat tells the rest of the system what to do. If the thermostat is being heated by an appliance of the sun, it will tell the HVAC system to run.  This means that your system will be running when it does not actually have to because your thermostat is getting the wrong readings.

Changing the location of your thermostat could help with your energy efficiency problem. If your thermostat is not in a heated location, you might simply need to upgrade it. Older thermostats will start to falter and a new one might be all that you need. According to There are many reasons why your HVAC system might not be running as effectively as you believe it should.