The Single Parent’s Guide to International Travel with Kids

Traveling as a single parent with kids is not the easiest thing around. Single parent, in this case, applies to the divorced as well as the married who have to travel alone. Whenever the kids come into the mix, it becomes a whole different story.

Don’t expect that traveling with your kids will be as easy as when you are doing it alone. This is primarily due to the regulations set by the airport authorities as well as the planning activities involved. If you are a beginner, you are in the right place to understand the basics.

Keep reading to learn a single parent’s guide to international travel with kids.

Bring Your Travel Documents

Do not go to the airport without the necessary travel documents expecting some sympathy because you have kids. Airport authorities will not even lend you an ear owing to the risks that come with people who lack proper documentation.

It doesn’t matter whether you have done the ticketing or not; you must be in a position to produce your travel documents. It even becomes worse when there are kids involved, and you are likely to be mistaken for a child trafficker.

At the same time, producing these travel documents is not enough for the authorities to allow you into the plane. You will need to prove that the kids are yours. The only way you can do this is by producing a copy of their birth certificates.

After all, this is a simple document that you should never forget to pack while traveling with your kids. Have it scanned and carry it to the airport with you. As if this is not enough, you may need some written authorization from the other parent. This is to minimize the chances that you are running away with the kids.

Proper Planning

Traveling with your kids is different from every other travel. When you travel alone, you can rush things and still make it out in time, but the same thing cannot happen when kids are involved. Traveling with kids consists of a series of preparations to avoid forgetting important things.

Part of the planning is the ticketing phase. You don’t have to wait until you are at the airport to book your ticket, as doing this may bring some unwanted inconveniences. You will be surprised to find out that other people are doing the same, but this time, they don’t have to deal with the issue of kids.

Early ticketing gives you confidence and prepares you psychologically for the next challenge. It tunes your mind and puts you into a traveling mood, which will also motivate other preparations. You will also have to make plans for your destination.

It is always advisable to book hotels early enough. This will give you an advantage when it comes to cost as compared to other people who book on the spot. Early booking also ensures your children have a pleasant and safe place to stay.

Your travel destination should also not be something new to you, especially when you have your kids around. It would be wise enough to familiarize yourself with the destination before engaging your kids in the same.

Pack Carefully

Packing represents a critical part of the travel. It even becomes more crucial when there are kids involved. While for your case, a pair of pants or two is enough, children will need several of them. Children are playful by nature and will often get untidy, thus the need for more clothes.

Begin by preparing a list and involve the kids in the whole process as it is the only way to learn what they will need. With the list in place, have the traveling bag ready and stash the required material one by one.

However, you have to be creative to avoid the extra cost that comes in the form of luggage fees. One of the best ways to prevent this is by having a backpack for every kid. Every airline has the minimum requirements of luggage to be charged.

When the kids have these small bags on their backs, it means you may not even need a large travel bag. If it has to be there, then you will have saved some bucks. Let whatever you carry in these bags reflect the culture of your destination.

If you are traveling to a high altitude area, be sure to carry some heavy jackets for your kids. Apart from the coats, you cannot afford to travel with your kids without neck pillows. These will be helpful when the kids are tired and need some rest.

The final and most important thing when it comes to the kids is the snacks you bring. Very often, kids will need something small to sustain their stomachs. However, avoid heavy meals that can cause discomfort in the course of the travel.

Engage with the Flight Attendants

The flight attendant is a human being like you, only that you are traveling on vacation while they are busy working. It will thus break no bones when you engage with them as they are there to help you while on your journey.

In most cases, it will be hard to afford the ticket for all your kids. You will thus be forced to hold them on your thighs. This can prove to be difficult, especially if you are traveling with more than one kid. It is in such cases where the flight attendants come in handy.

Talk to them politely and they will likely understand your situation and help you out. If anything, most of them are parents just like you; therefore, they are passionate about children. The best you can do is talk to people and they will help you.

Traveling with kids can be difficult, especially if it is their first time on a plane. However, preparing them will lower the levels of anxiety once they are on the plane. Don’t be too harsh on them but instead let children be. After all, they are innocent and just going about their lives. Make initial plans and have the proper identification documents ready, and the rest will be a breeze.