Tips for Staying Energized With Hypothyroidism


Feeling constantly tired is one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism, also known as an ‘underactive thyroid’. Reportedly, around 10 million people living in the US have this condition, which can majorly affect how you enjoy life both physically and emotionally.

If you feel fatigued and need some advice on how to give your body a boost despite your condition, here are some top tips to help you stay energized.

What is hypothyroidism?

If you have hypothyroidism, your thyroid gland is not producing enough growth-regulating hormones that determine how your body uses energy. This slows down your bodily functions and can affect all your major organs. Although fatigue is a major symptom of having an underactive thyroid, other symptoms include: aching muscles, sensitivity to cold, depression, weight gain, and dry skin and hair.

Giving your body a boost

Struggling to stay active while coping with hypothyroidism? Don’t worry; there are many simple ways you can keep energized despite your condition.

Keeping on top of your hormone replacement therapy

Probably the most important step you can take to stay energized throughout the day is to ensure you’re taking your hormone replacement therapy (HRT) correctly. HRT gives your body the hormones it needs to be active and since it’s often taken in the form of a pill, like cytomel tabs (liothyronine or T3), it shouldn’t be too difficult to take it at the same time each day and in the same way

To keep you energy levels up, it’s recommended to take your medication at least half an hour before eating (preferably first thing in the morning). If you’re still feeling tired, speak to your doctor about the possibility of including both T3 and T4 hormones into your medication, which may help energize your body if your current plan isn’t working.

What are you eating?

Getting the right nutrients can provide the energy boost you need to lead an active life. Pack plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein into your diet. Also, eat small meals regularly throughout the day to maintain your blood glucose levels, which will help you, keep your energy levels up. You should also try to avoid goitrogenic food that can lower the production of thyroid hormones such as: cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, turnips, kale, and cauliflower. Soy products can also impede on how well your body absorbs the replacement hormones you’re taking and having too much sugar and alcohol in your diet can make you feel sluggish and low on energy, too

Another tip is to avoid big meals just before you go to bed. The digestion process will impede on the quality of your sleep, which will leave you feeling less alert and rested the following day.

Exercise regularly

It may sound counter productive, but working out can help you feel like you have more energy. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that we get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise five days a week. So, decide what time works best for you and your lifestyle and get moving, whether it’s swimming, jogging or another of your favourite activities

Sleep well

It may sound obvious, but getting enough sleep is critical to feeling energized the next day. Make a sleeping schedule that fits your lifestyle and ban all digital devices from your bedroom at night to help you drift off. Going to bed at the same time every evening and ensuring you get between seven and nine hours of sleep is an effective way to stay energized while coping with hypothyroidism.

Unload negative feelings

Hypothyroidism affects us emotionally, as well as physically, which can also drain our energy levels. So, why not off-load onto family, friends or even a therapist if you’re feeling down? Chatting about your problems can raise your spirits, making you more motivated and energized, and there are plenty support networks around to sign up to if you want to talk.