Tips on How to Choose A Good Domain Name for A Blog

A good project on the internet starts with a great name. Blogs are business, just like any other, so they need every detail in perfect harmony. The name is one of them, of course!

On the internet, the name has an even greater weight, since it is part of the domain, that is, the address of the same so that visitors can access your blog. Once you’ve made a mistake, you can fix the problem, but it gets trickier.

First of all, we would like to point out that you should not use free domains provided by large companies in any way. They are not professional at all! Realize that all major blogs, websites and portals have a clean domain; is your name plus the TLD. Simple and effective! Check out more info here.

Create an ID

This first tip may be the most important and fundamental of all. A blog that wants to be present and become a reference in the niche inevitably needs a name that identifies it before all others.

Note that when we talk about technology, we remember Tech, for example. Just like when we talk about hosting, we relate this segment to random domain name generator.

These domains simply have a presence on the internet and beyond, making sure there is no doubt when someone talks about both. The tip is: think what you think is legal; the keyword is not that important!

Be brief

Domain is domain. Slogan is slogan. Keep this in mind before taking any action! Long names do not work. Our recommendation is that it does not exceed 3 words! The bigger the name, the uglier it gets and the harder it is to remember.

Besides, that big name is not remarkable, do you agree?

Note that large sites have short domains: UOL, Terra, G1, among others. So do not want to create fashion; stay with what is right and work very well. This will avoid frustration!

Try to imagine, too, what will be the logo and slogan of the blog from the name, and if everything looks pretty and harmonic.