What Is The Healthiest Coffee On The Market Today?

Drinking a cup of coffee is probably how the majority of adults start their day. Some choose to take it with milk, others will add sugar, honey and others with artificial sweetener. Then some people prefer cold-brew over hot-brew or use additional flavours to enhance their coffee. The possibilities for add-ins for coffee are seemingly endless, with options ranging from espressos, cappuccinos to whipped cream-topped frappuccinos, or spices such as vanilla or cinnamon powder . But have you ever wondered how healthy your daily order of Starbucks really is and what is the healthiest type of coffee to consume?

Coffee, when drunk in moderation, does offer several health benefits. Coffee contains antioxidants and has been linked with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, gallstones, liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and even potentially Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee also contains caffeine, a central nervous stimulant that can help fight fatigue and increase energy levels, and has been connected to a lower risk of depression and increased longevity. But not all coffee is equally made.

The best way to consume coffee and take advantage of these health benefits? Sticking to plain, hot-brewed black coffee – sometimes it is best to keep things simple. One cup of black coffee has virtually no calories, no fat and no carbohydrates. Low in sodium, black coffee is also choke-full of micronutrients, such as magnesium, niacin and potassium. Additions such as sugar, milk, plant-based milks, syrups and sweeteners add unnecessary fat and calories to coffee can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Studies also show that milk reduces the amount of polyphenols, heart-healthy antioxidants, the body absorbs from coffee.

The different ways how the coffee bean is processed and roasted can also affect the health benefits of the coffee, with some types being healthier than others. Of course, choosing an organic coffee bean, will mean that the coffee was grown without pesticide, harvested by hand and that’s important when one consider that they only represent 20 to 25% of the world coffee harvest. The pesticides spread on the coffee plants are endocrine disruptors and therefore cancel all the health benefits. However, when it comes to antioxidant, the data show that, blonde roasts are the healthiest. Studies show that blonde Robusta coffee has the most antioxidants, followed closely by blonde and medium-roast Arabica coffee. The type of brewing method, ranging from drip-brewed to French press, Aeropress, Percolator and espresso machine, can also affect the health benefits of coffee. A 2020 study found that Aeropress brewed coffee retained essential nutrients and had the highest antioxidants levels, while French pressed coffee had the least.

The quality of the coffee bean can also impact the overall health benefits of your coffee, so if you are looking for the best quality, healthiest coffee, purchasing from a specialist, such as Green Coffee Monaco, is critical. Offering a range of high-quality, organic coffee from Arabica to Robusta, they can help you find your healthiest coffee.