Why does eating foods rich in cholesterol cause heart palpitations

We do know cholesterol has a big role in developing heart disease. However, does eating foods rich in cholesterol can directly cause heart palpitations and why? This article will explain the issue.

Palpitation is one of the symptoms that will develop when you have heart diseases such as myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, or heart failure and high cholesterol is one of the risk factors of those diseases. There are two types of cholesterol, bad and good cholesterol, and the bad one is the culprit in giving people comorbidity.

Bad cholesterol or known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) will stores cholesterol in the bloodstream and in the long run, it will be deposited inside the artery walls. Bad cholesterol can build up in the walls and eventually causing the blood vessel to narrow. This reduces the blood flow and causing the heart to pump harder. You will feel your heart pounding and that was palpitation occurs.

The good cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein has the role to regulate LDL level in the body and if it too much, HDL will excrete the excess cholesterol. HDL will carry the unwanted cholesterol to be broken down in the liver, then removed from the body. Hence, this type of cholesterol will not cause heart disease and palpitations too. However, HDL is good for your health.

Food that causes heart palpitation is those rich in bad cholesterol. These are the top 10 foods rich in bad cholesterol that you should avoid. Margarine, liver, fast foods, processed meat, fried food, shellfish, cheese, cakes, pies and cookies. Alternatively, you need to change them to food rich in good cholesterol, such as olive oil, red meat, dark chocolate, fatty fish, almonds, avocados, and flax seeds.

As a conclusion for the question earlier, yes, eating food rich in cholesterol cause heart palpitations if you taking too much bad cholesterol in a long time because cholesterol will lead to atherosclerosis.  High cholesterol will not give you any symptoms, but the disease that develops from it does. Other than palpitation, heart disease can cause you chest pain that will radiate to your left arm, jaw, shoulder, or neck. You also will get abdominal discomfort, dizziness, pedal oedema or breathlessness.

Heart disease can lead to morbidity if you did not seek any treatments. Not to say the complication of the disease. You can get a stroke if the clot in your heart travels to blood vessel inside your brain, peripheral artery disease if the clot goes into your leg, aneurysm and worst is sudden cardiac arrest. Thus, you need to go to the nearest hospital without delay. Because the management is based on the duration of the symptoms.

Some suggested management is including medication and surgical procedure. For medication, you need to discuss with your doctor and they will prescribe the best option to control your disease and prevent a recurrence. If there is an urgency in your case, specific procedures need to be done based on the severity and type of disease you get. You can ask DoctoronCall online to get further information. The treatments by DoctoronCall are suggested by qualified doctors from the Malaysian Medical Council.

Before the disease develops, you need to avoid it by having a good and healthy lifestyle. It is because other than cholesterol, there are few risk factors for heart disease such as smoking and alcohol. These are a modifiable risk factor. You have the chance to prevent it. Hence, to attain a healthy life, you should improve on what you eat and your physical activity. Equivalently, you should stop smoking and watch or limit your alcohol intake if you are taking them before.