Frenchie Dog Can Be Your Best Friend

French dog is comfortable to live in an apartment. He is a lively and friendly Pet dog. They easily adjust with everyone and they love to play with the children. It can be a bit challenging to train them but respond well. They are usually polite to everyone that includes other pets. They do not bark much but only if they see strangers. They have large expressive eyes and it makes their face look attractive.

Physical traits and temperament

Though it is small in size it has a very sturdy structure. It is not a delicate lap dog. Before you adopt a Frenchie dog you should be aware of its physical traits and temperament. It is important to groom and train them properly. If you can provide them with an ample amount of love and care, it can turn out to be the best companion. It loves to stay along with the family members. They are known to be a great companion.

Taking care of your pet at home

To take care of your French bulldog you need to watch her diet, make sure she gets plenty of exercises, and regularly brush her teeth and coat. There are certain examinations and vaccinations that are recommended to take care of its health. It is necessary to provide health checkups for common diseases and conditions.

Care for live longer

You can build a routine and schedule it so that it can live longer and stay healthy. You should be careful if you notice any abnormal symptoms in your pet dog. You need to consult a doctor immediately and seek for medical help. There are health issues that can be a signal that your French bulldog needs help.

Few ways to take their care are

  • You need to supervise your dog and activities. You need to keep her away from putting objects in her mouth.
  • Frenchie has low grooming needs. You need to brush their coat each week.
  • Brush their teeth at least 3 times a week.
  • Keep the diet of your dog constant. There must a strict diet for your dog. It has a tendency of gaining weight so it is necessary to keep a check on whatever it is consuming.
  • A French dog is sensitive to home temperature. This should not be exposed to prolonged heat. It can cause them heat stress and bad health issues.

You should regularly make your dog exercise. You can go with them for occasional walks.