Significance of Fire Extinguisher Inspections and Maintenance

As a property owner, you might be familiar with regulations requiring fire extinguisher inspections and maintenance. Inspecting and maintaining a fire extinguisher may carry some differences. Let’s find out how often your fire extinguisher requires examination and maintenance.

Monthly Inspection includes a visual inspection of your fire equipment. It will involve checking if the fire extinguisher is in its designated location and is accessible. You must also confirm that fire extinguisher has legible instructions labeled on it. There should not be any signs of damage, leakage, clogging, and leakage. Also, it must have the necessary tamper indicators and seals present.

Checking for the above elements will help you identify if there is anything wrong. If you find something, instantly call a fire protection agency to come over and do the required maintenance on the fire extinguisher. It is always a good idea to keep a written record of the manual inspections with their inspectors.

In addition to monthly inspections for your fire extinguisher, you must also appoint a professional to perform annual maintenance on your equipment. Make sure to choose a qualified and experienced technician from a reputable fire protection company to conduct a yearly examination of your fire extinguisher.

They will inspect mechanical parts, expelling mediums, physical condition, and extinguishing agents of the fire extinguisher. Some extinguishers like cartridge-operated and cylinder need in-depth internal a yearly internal examination. Besides monthly inspection and annual maintenance inspection, you need to benefit from additional maintenance.

You must empty the fire extinguishers requiring 12-year hydrostatic testing every six months. These fire devices also need an external and internal examination every often. Most fire extinguishers need to undergo hydrostatic testing, which checks the cylinder for any leakages and deformities. If you have non-rechargeable fire extinguishers, make sure you never use them a year after their manufacture date. You can always get more information about fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance at